from claudette.core import *
import claudette_pydantic
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, create_model
from typing import List, Union, Literal, Type
from textwrap import dedent
import json
Pet Store Sales-Customer Loop
Let’s create some pets
class Pet(BaseModel):
name: float = Field(description="Full price of the Pet")
class Dog(Pet):
type: Literal["dog"] = "dog"
class Fish(Pet):
type: Literal["fish"] = "fish"
species: float
= [Dog(name="Buddy", breed="Labrador", price=500), Dog(name="Max", breed="German Shepherd", price=600)]
dogs = [Fish(name="Nemo", species="Clownfish", price=110, tank_size=20), Fish(name="Bubbles", species="Betta", price=300, tank_size=5)] fish
And a rather elaborate salesperson, where the Salesperson has information about the pet shop inventory. They can do actions:
- Message: just send a message to customer
- Offer: send a offer for a pet, the pet object is nested in the offer along with the proposed price
I then set the docstring of the returned function through __doc__
this gives private information to the salesperson about the inventory and prices, without ti being revealed in the message history.
class SalesPersonMessage(BaseModel):
"The salesperson should first talk to the customer to find their budget and negotiate the best deal for a pet"
type: Literal["message"] = "message"
class SalespersonOffer(BaseModel):
"Send a SellOffer once a pet at a proposed price has informally been agreed upon."
type: Literal["offer"] = "offer"
= Field(..., discriminator='type')
pet: Union[Dog, Fish] float
class SalespersonAction(BaseModel):
= Field(..., discriminator='type')
action: Union[SalesPersonMessage, SalespersonOffer]
class SalespersonInfo(BaseModel):
name: = Field(..., description="List of pets available for sale")
inventory: List[Union[Dog, Fish]]
def create_custom_action(self) -> Type[SalespersonAction]:
= create_model(
CustomSalespersonAction "CustomSalespersonAction",
= '- ' + '\n- '.join(repr(o) for o in self.inventory)
= dedent(f"""\
CustomSalespersonAction.__doc__ Represents a salesperson in the pet store simulation.
The salesperson has access to a list of pets (dogs and fish) available in the store,
but does not know the customer's budget or preferences. The salesperson's goal is
to make a sale to maximizes profit.
## Discounts
May offer a 10% discount on all pets
25% on FISH ONLY
## Sales
You should sell the pet included ONLY. Do not sell accessories, only the items currently in inventory.
## Details
Perform an action based on conversation history and salesperson details.
Salesperson details:
Name: {}
return CustomSalespersonAction
= SalespersonInfo(name="Bob", inventory=dogs + fish) salesperson
Customer is similar, with a budget and a pet preference. Actions:
- Message
- Leave
- On salesperson offer, can choose to accept
Notably the customers budget is hidden from the salesperson, and the inventory is hidden from the customer, so they must communicate to come to an agreement.
class CustomerOfferResponse(BaseModel):
"""Determine whether to accept the sale.
Accept only if the offer is consistent to a previously agreed sale.
this may **only** be given as an immediate response to a SellOffer"""
type: Literal["offer"] = "offer"
class CustomerOfferAction(BaseModel):
action: CustomerOfferResponse
class CustomerMessage(BaseModel):
type: Literal["message"] = "message"
class CustomerLeave(BaseModel):
"If all other avenues are exhausted, nothing in the store is acceptable, you may leave the store"
type: Literal["leave"] = "leave"
class CustomerAction(BaseModel):
= Field(..., discriminator='type')
action: Union[CustomerMessage, CustomerLeave]
class CustomerInfo(BaseModel):
name: str = Field(..., description="The type of pet the customer prefers ('dog' or 'fish')")
pet_preference: float = Field(..., description="The maximum amount the customer is willing to spend")
def create_custom_action(self, offer=False) -> Type[CustomerAction]:
= create_model(
CustomCustomerAction "CustomCustomerAction",
=CustomerOfferAction if offer else CustomerAction,
= dedent(f"""\
CustomCustomerAction.__doc__ Represents a customer in the pet store simulation.
The customer has a pet preference and a budget, but does not know what pets
the store has in stock or their prices. The customer's goal is to negotiate
the best deal for their preferred type of pet within their budget.
Perform an action based on conversation history and customer details.
Customer Information:
- Name: {}
- Pet Preference: {self.pet_preference}
- Budget: ${self.budget}
return CustomCustomerAction
= f"""\
pet_preference Alice really wants a dog, but has a hard limit of 100 dollars.
She may also be open to buying a fish"""
= CustomerInfo(name="Alice", pet_preference=pet_preference, budget=100) customer
Then I set up a similar loop to Chat.toolloop
but exits on a successful offer or leaving.
= """\
sp You are participating in a role-playing simulation of a pet store negotiation.
If you are the customer, your goal is to purchase your preferred pet within your budget.
If you are the salesperson, your goal is to make a profitable sale while ensuring customer satisfaction.
Be friendly and professional, but also try to get the best deal for yourself.
The negotiation continues until a sale is agreed upon or one party decides to end the conversation.
You should be polite, but do not discuss the specifics of the pets, work out a sale based on price and pet preferences. Each response should be 3 sentences max.
def chat_loop(model, steps): # similar to Chat.toolloop
= Chat(model, sp=sp)
chat = []
responses = None
res for i in range(steps):
if i == 0: # prompt required to switch to assistant
= "A customer walks into a store"
pr else:
= None
if i % 2 == 0:
= "salesperson"
role = salesperson.create_custom_action()
s else:
= "customer"
role if res is not None and res.action.type == 'offer':
= True
offer else:
= False
offer = customer.create_custom_action(offer)
= chat.struct(s, treat_as_output=False, pr=pr)
responses.append(res)if res.action.type == 'message':
print(f"{role}: {res.action.content}\n")
if i % 2 == 1:
if res.action.type == 'offer' and res.action.accept:
return responses[-2].action
elif res.action.type == 'leave':
return responses[-1].action
return None
def sim(model, steps):
print(f"Model: {model} | Steps: {steps}\n=====\n")
= chat_loop(model, steps)
res if res is None:
elif res.type == 'offer':
print("Sold:", repr(res))
elif res.type == 'leave':
print("Customer left.")
raise ValueError("invalid return", res)
Set up so that Alice can not afford a dog, and can only afford a fish with discount. Haiku figures it out.
There’s a shared history between them, but individuals history is kept hidden inside the struct description for each step
-1], 20) sim(models[
Model: claude-3-haiku-20240307 | Steps: 20
salesperson: Hello, welcome to our pet store! How can I assist you today?
customer: Hi, I'm looking to buy a pet. I really want a dog, but my budget is only $100. Do you have any dogs in that price range?
salesperson: Unfortunately, we don't have any dogs in that price range. Our dogs start at $500. However, we do have some nice fish that would fit your budget. Let me show you what we have in stock.
customer: Hmm, I was really hoping for a dog. But I guess I could consider a fish if the price is right. What kind of fish do you have and how much do they cost?
salesperson: Great, let me show you our fish options. We have a Clownfish named Nemo for $110 and a Betta fish named Bubbles for $300. The Clownfish would be a better fit for your $100 budget.
customer: Okay, the Clownfish Nemo sounds good. I think I'll go with that one. Can we negotiate the price a bit to get it closer to my $100 budget?
Sold: SalespersonOffer(type='offer', pet=Fish(name='Nemo', price=110.0, type='fish', species='Clownfish', tank_size=20.0), price=99.0)