Applying μTransfer to Scale Sparse Autoencoders

26 September 2024

In this post, we’ll explore how to apply μTransfer (Maximal Update Parameterization) to scale a Sparse Autoencoder (SAE), by increasing the hidden dimension (d_sae) of your SAE (i.e., increase the expansion factor). We want to apply μTransfer to ensure consistent training dynamics across different scales of the hidden dimension.

This work is heavily based on The Practitioner’s Guide to the Maximal Update Parameterization (please read this first). By applying μTransfer scaling to a model:

TL;DR: Jump to Scaling Rules to find how to scale initialization & learning rates.

Original SAE

Our SAE model, JumpReLUSAE, from Gemma Scope from Scratch (TODO: Gated SAE reference)

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

class JumpReLUSAE(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, d_sae, sigma=0.02):
        # Initialize parameters
        self.W_enc = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(d_model, self.d_sae) * sigma)
        self.W_dec = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.d_sae, d_model) * sigma)
        self.threshold = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.d_sae) * sigma)
        self.b_enc = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.d_sae) * sigma)
        self.b_dec = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(d_model) * sigma)

    def encode(self, input_acts):
        pre_acts = input_acts @ self.W_enc + self.b_enc
        mask = (pre_acts > self.threshold)
        acts = mask * torch.relu(pre_acts)
        return acts

    def decode(self, acts):
        return acts @ self.W_dec + self.b_dec

    def forward(self, input_acts):
        acts = self.encode(input_acts)
        recon = self.decode(acts)
        return recon

Our goal is to scale up the expansion_factor, (and therefore d_sae) and apply μTransfer principles to give us information on scaled learning rates and initialization.

Applying μTransfer Scaling


Scaling Principles

[TODO I’m going to derive the initialization variance and learning rate for each of the weights based on the forwards and backwards pass]

Decoder Weights (W_dec)

Dimensions: \(d_{\text{sae}} \times d_{\text{model}}\)

Reconstruction output: \[ \text{recon} = \text{acts} \times W_{\text{dec}} + b_{\text{dec}} \]

Forward Pass

To maintain consistent training dynamics across different \(d_{\text{sae}}\), we need the varience of \(\text{recon}\) to remain constant. We follow the derivation similar to Forward Pass at Initialization.

At initialization, \(\text{acts}\) and \(W_{\text{dec}}\) are independent and have zero mean.

\[ \text{Var}(\text{recon}) = \text{Var}(\text{acts} \times W_{\text{dec}}) = \text{Var}(\text{acts}) \times \text{Var}(W_{\text{dec}}) \times d_{\text{sae}} \]

Since \(d_{\text{sae}}\) scales with \(m_d\):

\[ d_{\text{sae}} = m_d \times d_{\text{sae, base}} \]

\[ \implies \text{Var}(\text{recon}) = \text{Var}(\text{acts}) \times \text{Var}(W_{\text{dec}}) \times (m_d \times d_{\text{sae, base}}) \]

To keep \(\text{Var}(\text{recon})\) constant across scales, we need to scale \(\text{Var}(W_{\text{dec}})\) inversely with \(m_d\)

\[ \text{Var}(W_{\text{dec}}) = \frac{\sigma^2_{\text{base}}}{m_d} \]

\[ \implies \text{Var}(\text{recon}) = \text{Var}(\text{acts}) \times \sigma^2_{\text{base}} \times d_{\text{sae, base}} \]

Backwards Pass

The gradient with respect to \(W_\text{dec}\):

\[ \nabla_{W_{\text{dec}}}\mathcal{L} = \text{acts}^\top \nabla_{\text{recon}}\mathcal{L} \]

The magnitude of \(\nabla_{W_{\text{dec}}}\mathcal{L}\) scales with \(d_\text{sae}\) since \(\text{acts}\) has dimension \(d_\text{sae}\)

To main consistent updates to \(\Delta W_\text{dec}\), we scale the learning rate inversely with \(m_d\):

\[ \eta_{W_\text{dec}} = \frac{\eta_\text{base}}{m_d} \]

This aligns with the derivations in the Effect of weight update on activations.

Output Scaling

Even with the above adjustments, correlations between \(\text{acts}\) and \(W_\text{dec}\) develop during training, causing \(\text{Var}(\text{recon})\) to grow with \(m_d\)

  1. Only neurons with positive pre-activation inputs become active
  2. During backpropagation, only active neurons contribute to weight updates
  3. Certain neurons consistently activate for specific inputs, reinforcing the weight-activation relationship.
  4. Due to the positive correlation, the variance of \(\text{recon}\) increases.

\[ \text{Var}(\text{recon}) \propto m_d \]

Therefore we apply a scaling factor:

\[ \text{recon} = (\text{acts} \times W_\text{dec} + b_\text{dec}) \times \alpha_\text{output}, \quad \alpha_\text{output} = \frac{1}{m_d} \]

Encoder Weights (W_enc)

Dimensions: \(d_{\text{model}} \times d_{\text{sae}}\)

Forward Pass

Encoder computes pre-activations:

\[ \text{pre_acts} = \text{input_acts} \times W_\text{enc} + b_\text{enc} \]

Breaking down the matrix multiply:

\[ \text{pre_acts}_i = \sum\limits^{d_\text{model}}_{k = 1}{\text{input_acts}_k \times W_{\text{enc}, k, i} + b_{\text{enc}, i}} \]

A.k.a each \(\text{pre_acts}\) is a sum over \(d_\text{model}\) terms. Since \(d_\text{model}\) is fixed, scaling \(d_\text{sae}\) does not affect the variance of \(\text{pre_acts}\)

\[ \text{Var}(\text{pre_acts}) = \text{Var}(\text{input_acts}) \times \text{Var}(W_{\text{enc}}) \times d_{\text{model}} \]

Backwards Pass

While the forward pass variance remains constant, the backwards pass introduces scaling issues.

The gradient with respect to \(W_\text{enc}\):

\[ \nabla_{W_{\text{enc}}}\mathcal{L} = \text{input_acts}^\top \nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\mathcal{L} \]

The gradient \(\nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\mathcal{L}\) has dimensions affected by \(d_\text{sae}\), causing the magnitude of \(\nabla_{W_{\text{enc}}}\mathcal{L}\) increases with \(m_d\).

To maintain consistent weight updates, we scale learning rate and initialization variance inversely with \(m_d\):

\[ \text{Var}(W_\text{enc}) = \frac{\sigma^2_\text{base}}{m_d} \quad \eta_{W_\text{enc}} = \frac{\eta_\text{base}}{m_d} \]

You can see more detail of this in Appendix 1 and ElutherAI’s backwards gradient pass

Encoder bias (b_enc) & threshold

\(b_\text{enc}\) and \(\text{threshold}\) are directly connected to \(d_\text{sae}\). Therefore their activations and gradients scale with \(m_d\) similar to \(W_\text{dec}\)

Decoder Bias (b_dec)

Connects directly to \(d_{\text{model}}\), no scaling is required.

Scaling Rules Summary

\[ m_d = \text{expansion_factor}\ /\ \text{expansion_factor}_\text{base} \]

Parameter Initialization Variance Learning Rate
Encoder Weights (\(W_{\text{enc}}\)) \(\sigma^2_\text{base} / m_d\) \(\eta_\text{base} / m_d\)
Decoder Weights (\(W_{\text{dec}}\)) \(\sigma^2_\text{base} / m_d\) \(\eta_\text{base} / m_d\)
Encoder Bias (\(b_{\text{enc}}\)) \(\sigma^2_\text{base} / m_d\) \(\eta_\text{base} / m_d\)
threshold \(\sigma^2_\text{base} / m_d\) \(\eta_\text{base} / m_d\)
Decoder Bias (\(b_{\text{dec}}\)) \(\sigma^2_{\text{base}}\) \(\eta_{\text{base}}\)
Output Scaling Multiply output by \(\alpha_{\text{output}} = 1 / {m_d}\) N/A

Updated SAE with μTransfer Scaling

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math

class JumpReLUSAE(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, expansion_factor, sigma_base=0.02, expansion_factor_base=None):
        self.d_model = d_model
        self.expansion_factor = expansion_factor
        self.expansion_factor_base = expansion_factor_base if expansion_factor_base is not None else expansion_factor
        self.m_d = self.expansion_factor / self.expansion_factor_base  # Width multiplier
        self.d_sae = int(self.expansion_factor * self.d_model)
        self.alpha_output = 1 / self.m_d

        # Scale initialization variance inversely with m_d
        sigma_scaled = sigma_base / math.sqrt(self.m_d)

        # Initialize parameters
        self.W_enc = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(d_model, self.d_sae) * sigma_scaled)
        self.W_dec = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.d_sae, d_model) * sigma_scaled)
        self.threshold = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.d_sae) * sigma_scaled)
        self.b_enc = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.d_sae) * sigma_scaled)
        self.b_dec = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(d_model) * sigma_base)

    def encode(self, input_acts):
        pre_acts = input_acts @ self.W_enc + self.b_enc
        mask = (pre_acts > self.threshold)
        acts = mask * torch.relu(pre_acts)
        return acts

    def decode(self, acts):
        recon = acts @ self.W_dec + self.b_dec
        recon = recon * self.alpha_output  # Apply output scaling
        return recon

    def forward(self, input_acts):
        acts = self.encode(input_acts)
        recon = self.decode(acts)
        return recon

d_model = 768  # GPT-2
expansion_factor_base = 16
expansion_factor = 32
sigma_base = 0.02
lr_base = 1e-3

sae = JumpReLUSAE(d_model, expansion_factor, sigma_base, expansion_factor_base)

scaled_params = [sae.W_enc, sae.W_dec, sae.b_enc, sae.threshold]
fixed_params = [sae.b_dec]

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW([
    {'params': scaled_params, 'lr': lr_base / sae.m_d},
    {'params': fixed_params, 'lr': lr_base}



Appendix 1: Deriving \(W_\text{enc}\) backwards pass

The gradient with respect to \(W_\text{enc}\):

\[ \nabla_{W_{\text{enc}}}\mathcal{L} = \text{input_acts}^\top \nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\mathcal{L} \]

Gradient w.r.t \(\text{pre_acts}\):

\[ \nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\mathcal{L} = \nabla_{\text{acts}}\mathcal{L} \odot \nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\text{acts} \]

Variance of \(\nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\mathcal{L}\):

\[ \text{Var}(\nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\mathcal{L}) = \text{Var}(\nabla_{\text{acts}}\mathcal{L}) \times p_\text{active} \]

Dependence on Decoder Weights (\(W_\text{dec}\))

\[ \nabla_{\text{acts}}\mathcal{L} = \nabla_{\text{recon}}\mathcal{L} \times W_\text{dec}^{\top} \]

Variance of Each Element in \(\nabla_{W_\text{enc}}\mathcal{L}\)

\[ [\nabla_{W_\text{enc}}\mathcal{L}]_{ij} = \sum_{n=1}^{\text{batch_size}} \text{input_acts}_{ni} \times [\nabla_{\text{pre_acts}}\mathcal{L}]_{nj} \]

Scaling Total Number of Elements

Total number of elements in \(\nabla_{W_\text{enc}}\mathcal{L}\) is \(d_\text{model} \times d_\text{sae}\) (derived above).